Have you ever dreamt with your eyes wide open? Now you can, thanks to Genesis. After a successful stint in Europe, the event of the year has finally made its way to Spain, and will be held in the beautiful Comunidad Evangélica de Habla Alemana in Madrid. Prepare to be captivated by a 30-minute, four-part journey through the elements of light, water, earth, and plants, representing the first three days of creation in "Genesis." You'll be completely immersed in a lesser-known architectural masterpiece from the 19th century.
The ‘Eglise Helvétique’ was founded in 1762 by a group of expatriate Swiss and the first ‘Helvetic Chapel’ was built near Moor Street in Soho in 1775. Funded by contributions from the cities of Geneva and Bern, the church was an integral part of the Swiss community and until 1817, the pastor was even the official issuer of passports to Swiss citizens in Madrid.